
Podcasting Marketing and Production


It’s more than hitting record.

You’re podcasting with a plan


How are you going to stand out from the 700,000 other podcasts? Did you think of that?We did, and we’re going to help you go viral.



You sounded great in the studio. You really did. But did you talk a bit too much? We’ll help you clean it up and chop it down.

Video Training

People do more than listen to podcast.They watch them too. It’s weird. We’ll train on how to turn your podcast into a Youtube series.

Podcasting Promo Video  

We’ll transform your podcast into quick 15 and 30 second promo designed for Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook.

These are designed to help a new audience find you with fun clips that give a glimpse into what your awesome podcast is about.

Plans start at $150

Podcasting Editing and Production

Step 1


Have you ever heard a podcast that was too quiet? We fix that.

Step 2

Cut and

Was your podcast too long or did someone say something inappropriate? We’ll help clean it up.

Step 3

EQ and

We help you get that NPR sound by eliminating hisses and creating a smooth, equal volume.

Step 4

Music and Transition

We bring together your segments with smoot edits and a signature music intro. 

Interested in learning more?

Schedule a quick 10 minute call with our in-house podcasting and video editor.

Video Training

People are doing more than download audio files through Spotify and Apple Music, but they also watch hosts podcasts on YouTube, Facebook Live, and Instagram. Our in-house video editor will train you how to record your shows and capture incredible audio so you can be heard and seen all over the web.

“I never even knew Joe Rogan had a podcast. I’ve only seen his stuff on YouTube.”

Noah Carmichael 

Let’s talk Podcasting

6 + 5 =