Avoid these hidden fees when your small business searches for an office in Denver

Hidden Fees to Beware of
- Internet fee
- Forced Phone Lines
- Move Out Fees
- Administration Fees
- Coffee Fee
- Kitchen Fee
Searching for your office space for your small business is a lot like search for an apartment right after college. You have a checklist of things that you are excited about – neighborhood, who are your neighborhoods going to be, what are the amenities, how long is my lease, is there parking?
You search online looking for a whole bunch of photos and jot down prices. You narrow it down to fouro or five spaces and you set aside a day to go see them all. You show up, the nice person offers you a free sparkling water, they walk you through the hallways and tell you about the community, the activities they plan, and maybe stroll you past the large community room one more time. You two discuss price and it seems reasonable. You’re excited. Wow – all of this for that!
In coworking and office rentals, some spaces put you through the same ringer. They show all coffee machines, a gym you’ll likely never use, and show you the views from the most expensive office. They tease you with a $700 price point. You think you can afford it. Then you realize it doesn’t include the internet. What?! Then you find out that the internet is $115. There is another fee, another fee, and one then you realize to get the great price you’ll need to sign a year or two year lease.
Coworking isn’t suppose to be complicated, and now you’re confused and kind of pissed.
I was showing a new coworking member around Creative Density and he was telling me about all of the add-on fees that some other spaces were adding on. It was ridiculous and I wanted to warn people to read their contracts carefully. Creative Density’s membership agreement is 10 bullet points that boil down to – don’t do anything illegal, be nice, and this is your cost.
True coworking spaces would never try to trick you. Creative Density doesn’t. Pricing should be all-inclusive and leases should be very flexible.
Hidden fees you want to avoid when your small business is searching for a coworking or office space in Denver .
Internet Fee
You need the internet run your business. They know that. It should be included in any office plan and you should have the option for bringing in your own dedicated line.
Forced Phone Line
This is not 2002. No one should be forced to have a phone line and a fee for that. You’re likely not going to use. Some office spaces do this to make mark up a service they are re-selling.
Secretary / Administrative Fee
You might not need a gatekeeper and someone to answer your phone. Modern coworking spaces don’t have a secretary, but a community manager that helps create the vibe and build community. They are part of the coworking business and vital to the culture, but it should be built into the price. The community manager is a service.
Kitchen Fee – Real thing and beware.
Coffee Fee – isn’t coffee a basic right
It’s probably not even that good. Also, a real thing. Creative Density loves coffee and we serve Queen City Coffee, a local roaster in Denver.
Move Out Fee – really?
A few coworking and office spaces charge you when you are packing up and going. They say it’s to clean up the space and get it ready. We think that’s ridiculous and not very customer friendly. Creative Density does month-to-month leases so you only need to stay as long as you need it.
There is a better way to find office space in Denver. No hidden fees.
Creative Density Coworking believes that coworking should be affordable, friendly, and flexible. Basically, we make it easy and don’t want to get your way. We want to support you. We are transparent in pricing and never have hidden fees. Our leaes are simple and plans are month to month. We share, we collaborate, and that lowers the cost.
If you want an easy and transparent coworking and office experience then book an office tour today.
I should have left my sofa weeks ago. I was working from home once COVID hit and I didn’t realize how much I missed some chit-chat. The other remote workers are super friendly, it feels safe, and theree is a lot of room.