
We’re Going Virtual
We’re more than space, we’re a community.

you’re not alone. join our community.

Creative Density has been a hub for remote workers for 9 years in Denver.  We’re not going to stop coworking, we’re going to adapt. During the COVID-19 outbreak, we are creating new programs and a meme filled Slack group for all remote workers and freelancers to come together, to stay productive, and have fun. We’re in this together.

having fun together – Daily games

Geoguessr – Daily 11 am

Get dropped in Google Maps anywhere in the world and you have a few minutes to figure out where you are.

Look for clues on billboards, car types, clothing, street signs, and put a pin on the map.

The closer you get, the more points you’ll earn.

You have 24 hours to complete each game before it is reset and the points are locked in.

Fortnite? Beat Saber? Oregon Trail? 

We are open to organizing other games people want to play. Let us know.

Working Alone Sucks – online hangouts

Coworking Power Hours

Join us on a Google Hangout for a few hours every day. You can just pop in, mute your mic, ask questions if you want, but have your camera on. It’s just good to be with others, share memes, and just get in the zone and work…together.


Staying Productive – Weekly Check-In

Monday at 10 am

Every Monday we will jump online to say ‘Hey!’ but also go around and say our goals and possible struggles for the week.

We then write your goals down. Uh-oh!

Friday at 10 am Check-In

We go roundtable and ask if you met your goals for the week. If not, shame! No…just kidding. However, a little accountability goes a long way when you are working remotely.


looking forward – food challenge

Pot lucks are a big deal at Creative Density. It’s a way we come together and share something we enjoy. Our Food Perfection Challenge is about looking into the future.

During our break, I challenge everyone to work on a new food dish. Do something daring and share with us your progress online. When we all come together and feel comfortable we will have a feast with our new amazing dishes.

I’m working on some very fancy bread with olives.


join Creative Density Virtual

It will be fun.

12 + 14 =