Creative Density is starting a business book club where members will get the opportunity to fully discuss a book’s theories and examples. Each month a new book will be picked from the group and than convene later in the month to debate the topic and learn from each other on how it affects our lives. This will be a great motivator to read some of the great business books that we’ve been passing for months at Tattered Covers and not just read snip-its from blog posts.

The meetings will be lead by a facilitator that will outline the general outline of the book and lead the discussion. Members that read the book will be able to discuss their interpretation and provide outside context and examples. The group will than learn how the theory effects their work, their business model, or their clients.

We will start reading our first book in mid-November and discuss it the second week of December.

Go to our Facebook Page to vote on your favorite book. VOTE!

The selection to chose from:
Never Eat Alone
The Lean Startup
The Long Tail